As exciting as it is to hit the stage it is natural to be accompanied with nerves and anxiety during competition season. Regardless if you are a first time competitive dancer or a senior graduating, it is only human to feel these performance anxieties, in fact; they can be a good thing! However, the tendencies we develop due to performance nerves can be extremely frustrating and have us lose sight of why we dance in the first place.
The staff at Gabie's have come up with a few tips and techniques to help you feel prepared to hit the stage and help conquer these nervous jitters.

Practice Makes Perfect
A lot of nerves come from wanting to have your best performance and we understand wanting to WOW the judges. In the weeks leading up the competition make sure to ask your dance teacher questions you may have regarding the choreography. The more confident you feel with your dance choreography the more your confidence will radiate off the stage to the audience. Whenever you feel those anxious nerves, do a run through of your dance routine!
The most important part about hitting the stage is showcasing your passion for dance. The judges may not notice a slip up in choreography but they will notice your passion, confidence and love for dance gleam off the stage!
Come Organized, Come Prepared!

For both dance parents and dancers alike there is always that fear that something important will be left behind. Trust me- we've all been there. Between dance costumes, dance shoes, makeup, hair products, tights and props there is a lot to remember to bring to a dance competition.
When packing for competition Gabie's recommends creating a checklist of all items needed for each dance prior to packing. Emotions are high at competition time and nobody wants to be on the search to find your missing tap shoes that were thrown into Mom’s purse when running out the door last minute. Gabie’s organizing competition tip is to purchase garment bags for each dance costume and label each garment bag by each of your song titles. This lets you organize all necessary items for each dance number in its own specific garment bag and therefore ensure all clothing articles and accessories are packed together and labelled.
Checkout Gabie’s Competition Checklist to make sure you have everything you will need to hit the stage!
Eat, Sleep, Repeat!

Like any sport, nutrition and sleep are important factors that can affect any performance. Whether it is a football player on the football field or a dancer on the dance floor it is important to make sure we treat our body with kindness leading up to the competition. Making sure we have a solid sleep schedule the week of the competition and eat lots of nutritional foods. Eating nutritional foods can help us prepare our bodies for the physical and mental demands that come from performances or competitions of any kind. As a dancer our body is our artistic tool and we must treat it as such!
When it comes to fuelling our body for dance competitions we recommend eating lots of nutritional food and keeping hydrated! This must include water, but drinks with electrolytes are encouraged as well. We want to avoid drinking anything with a substantial amount of caffeine or sugar as these are known stimulants of anxiety.
Get The Blood Pumping!

Between the time you arrive at the competition venue to when you hit the stage you should allow yourself lots of time to warm up and practice your dances. In most cases your dance teachers may ask you to show up at the venue a few hours prior for this reason! You should utilize this time and review all of the choreography of the dance to get comfortable in the venue encouraging yourself to have a great performance. Grab a friend to run over the choreography!
This time will also grant you the ability to do a proper warm up - we need to get the blood pumping regardless if you are competing in Hip Hop, Tap or Acro! Getting our body warmed up is super important before we partake in any physical activity to avoid injury. It will also benefit us by feeling prepared to dance and doubles as a great distraction from our pre-competition jitters!
Mind Over Matter

Take a step back (in this instance figuratively speaking) and remember why you dance. The same with any hobby, you dance because you love it! It is also important to remember that dance is a team sport and you and your team are in it together! Rather than focusing our attention on the scoring of your dances think of the competition as an opportunity to get feedback from well known dance professionals that will help you grow as a dancer!
Our performance anxieties may come to an all time high just moments before we hit the stage, so we must remember to breathe! With all off our nervous thoughts, bright lights and us trying to recall our choreography we tend to forget the simple aspect of just taking a deep breath. The mindset you have going into your performance is a huge contributing factor into aiding how you will perform. Your mind is setting you up for your performance; so think positive, be confident and most importantly remember to have fun. Take a deep breath in with me and exhale..., you got this dancer!